See what I write

API design principles in cpgf library

From the first day when I designing the API in cpgf library, I had some design principles in mind and tried to stick with them. In this blog I will show the principles and give some examples.Please note, none of any principles are found or invented by me. I was inspired by the great book "API Design for C++" and the blog Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs

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cpgf library one year birthday -- a review of past one year

cpgf library first version was released on 2011, Nov. 05. At the time I writing this blog, 2012, Nov. 24, one year has passed. One year is not quite long time for a long term open source library project, but a lot of development had been done in the year. I will give a review on what happened on cpgf in the last year. Looking back is for better looking forward!

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cpgf library 1.5.2 was released, we have meta data for Irrlicht

Oh yeah, cpgf library version 1.5.2 was released. Only one and a half months elapsed since previous version 1.5.1, how ever, the new version is an accumulated work in half a year, seriously!

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Read the Chinese Blogs