My services

I provide great services for you

Web frontend and backend development

  • Web backend using PHP, Laravel
    Not only can I create web application from scratch using PHP, but also I use Laravel a lot. The site you are viewing is written in PHP Laravel.
  • Interactive web frontend using JavaScript
    I like use vanilla JavaScript or jQuery, but I can also use ReactJs, Vue, or other frameworks. I can use Bootstrap as well.
  • Create PHP and JavaScript libraries
  • Develop OsClass themes and plugins
    OsClass is a classified framework. I can create themes and plugins for OsClass.

Tools and utilities development

  • Web scrappers
  • Automation tools
  • Anything that improves your productivities
  • Anything that solves your problems

Blockchain and cryptocurrency development

  • Create blockchain from scratch
  • Fork crypto coins, especially Bitcoin derived
  • Create desktop, mobile, and web wallet
  • Create blockchain explorer

Desktop/mobile application development

  • Desktop GUI and console applications
  • Android/iPhone applications
  • Game development
  • Cross platform 2D game engine

Why you want to hire me

I do great freelance work for you

Payment methods

The payment methods I accept

I only do remote work

I want the highest productivity
Now I work from home. This gives me the highest productivity because there are no boundaries between office hours and off-duty hours, no boundaries between weekends and weekdays. I enjoy working at the highest productivity for the longest time. Life is too short to be wasted on commute, office meetings, casual chats and distractions.